What is SPRD’s Federal Tax ID?
What is the district refund policy?
We know that plans change and you may need to cancel programs you signed up for. If this happens, the more notice, the better to ensure you get a full refund/credit. Our refund policy is as follows unless otherwise noted:
- 100% refund/credit is given if you notify us 5 business days or more in advance of the first day of the program.
- 50% refund/credit is given if you notify us 3-4 business days in advance of the first day of the program.
- No refunds/credits will be issued when we are notified 2 business days or less from the start of the program.
- A $5 processing fee will be applied to all program cancellation or transfer requests. For canceled or transferred summer camp weeks, the processing fee is $25 per week, per child.
- No refunds will be issued for any youth athletic programs after the initial registration period has closed.
- Program fees are not refunded or pro-rated for patrons who miss portions of the program.
What are ID and OD?
ID stands for in-district. OD stands for out-of-district.
Why are out-of-district fees higher?
People who live in-district pay property taxes that support Sisters Park & Recreation District. For this reason, in-district residents pay a reduced fee.